How to Get Help

How to Use Xperiencify

Need a tutorial? Looking for where to find a feature? If you’re searching for answers about how to use Xperiencify, you’re in the right place!

Just enter your question into the search box above and search this help center.

If you’re having technical difficulties, check out quick steps to fix things here or reach out to us for help

How to Help Your Students

You are naturally the best person to answer your student's questions as the subject matter expert. But if they need technical help, feel free to send them these Troubleshooting tips!

If they can't login, here's how to help them.

If there's a question they can't find the answer to, they will see a Support contact option in the top right menu when logged into their account that links to the email address you have set under your Site Settings.

If they require technical assistance that is not covered here, we've got your back. We'll need your help to gather as much detail as possible from your student and then you can message us so we can help resolve it!

How to Reach Us

Your Support Team is here for you! You’ll find the chat widget at the bottom right hand side of the page, both here in the Help Center and inside your course creator account. Click that chat widget and let us know what's up!

How to Find Further Support

If you're looking for marketing, content tips and tricks, or other course creation resources, we have a few options!

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