What is Xperiencify?

What is Xperiencify?

Xperiencify is the world's only fully "experiencified" online course and membership site platform!

We've built this platform from the ground up to incorporate all of the latest gamification and psychology of adult learning research, along with the principles of "experiencification" developed by Marisa Murgatroyd, to make it easier to engage & motivate students and keep them moving toward their goals... so they get results from your course, program or training.

Just add Xperiencify to your existing content, and things can get a lot more exciting and engaging for your customers and students.

How much more?

With the right gamification techniques & tools, we've found that 10-30 times MORE students & customers will get hooked on your education, and actually complete it, getting huge results.

And not just that... in our tests, refunds dropped by a massive 26%, while customer happiness and referrals skyrocketed -- slashing our marketing expenses in half.

Who's Xperiencify for?

We know that your digital product, online program or training course is (or will be) amazing. Let's get that out of the way first.

But no matter how good it is, the latest research shows that these days, just 3% of students complete them and get results. A whopping 97% of people will simply either fail to complete it or request a refund.

This is demoralizing for you, robs from your bottom line, and means you rarely get referrals or repeat business.

Here's the deal: these days, your students want more than just information.

Studies show that courses with lots of content actually overwhelm your students, demotivate them and cause them to disengage emotionally.

In fact, a whopping 97% will leave and never come back -- and you become just another investment that didn't work, which harms your reputation and bottom line.

People don't want even more information. (They have enough of that.)

Instead, what they MOST want is to feel like they're winning, like they're making progress toward an important outcome. When they do, they flourish.

And this is where most other membership site platforms will fail you by not giving you the tools to create that.

If this resonates in any way, Xperiencify is for you!

What features does Xperiencify offer?

Xperiencify covers every step of the online course journey, from course creation to well past your launch.

Here are just a few of the things you can do on our platform:

  • Create your course curriculum
  • Build Customizable Drag-and-Drop Pages for your courses
  • Design Sales and Landing Pages
  • Fully integrated ecommerce to accept payment for your courses.
  • Market and sell your courses to the masses by integrating your favorite business and marketing tools.
  • Better serve your audience with student success tools and deliver your courses in our "experiencified" and gamified learning environment -- which guarantees better outcomes.

How much does Xperiencify cost?

Take a look at what's offered with our paid plans by visiting here.

Where next?

You're in the right place. Create an account and head over to our Getting Started Guide to jump right in!

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