Migrating from Teachable

If you're thinking of migrating your course or program from Teachable to Xperiencify, here are the steps to make it happen!

Resources to help you complete your migration:

  • Membership Site Content Info Sheet (make a copy and use freely)

    Downloading all Program/Course Content from Teachable

    • Log in to your Teachable account
    • Click on the School to copy content from
    • Click on the Admin link to go to the Administration area
    • Click on the COURSES button in the left navigation
    • Choose the Course to migrate
    • Copy the Course name & description into the Membership Site Content Info Sheet
    • Scroll down to Branding and take a screenshot of the course image (instructions for Mac and Windows
    • Click on the Curriculum in the left navigation
    • You should then see a series of boxes, each with one or more trainings inside. Each box represents a module, and each item inside is a training (called "Lectures" in Teachable)
    • Copy each module name in the Membership Site Content Info Sheet , you'll need to re-use it in Xperiencify
    • Next, copy each training name inside each module too into your doc
    • Once you've done that, go back to the first training in the first module, click to view the training details
    • Look for the section at the top called Text which contains that training (lecture)'s introduction text. Copy the text into your Membership Site Content Info Sheet to re-use
    • Scroll down to the Video section, and right-click the name of the video, and choose Save As or File Save As to save the raw video file to your downloads folder
    • Take a screenshot of your video poster image (instructions for Mac and Windows. This will be the image your student sees before they click on the video's play button
    • If your training contains any resources, download them too
    • Repeat this process for each video ("Lecture") in your course/program. Once you have all of your content download, then it's time to upload it to Xperiencify.

    Uploading your Program/Course Content to Xperiencify

    • Log in to your Xperiencify account
    • If your program/course doesn't exist yet, you'll need to create one. (Usually you'll use the same name you used on Teachable.) This is where you'll set your program name, description, price, etc..
    • Next, add your first module -- make sure it's the same name as your Teachable module
    • Next, add each training one by one into the first module. You'll be refering back to the document you created as you reviwed your program/course on Teachable
    • If you have any bonus content to add, here's how to do that
    • If you have any replays to add, here's how to do that

    Once your main program/course content is added, there are a few extra setup steps you need to take. Here they are in order:

    • Configure your program home page -- things like countdown timers, welcome/orientation video, student goals and pre-actions
    • Configure when and how you want your content to be released to students -- for instance, most people drip their content out over days and weeks
    • Add the actions you want your students to take after each training -- this is where you add your XPs and XXPs to your program/course
    • Add training resources for each training. This could be worksheets, overviews, lesson plans, audio files, Excel or Word docs or anything else
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