Core Experience #7: Feedback Loops

We’ve all had those conversations where we feel completely unseen. Where someone talks at us, rather than with us. Where our input falls on deaf ears.

This disconnect is a recipe for dissatisfaction. And it often leaves us feeling anonymous and invalidated.

The same dynamic applies to products and their users. When you treat your audience like faceless masses rather than real people, you miss the chance to truly support them. And without that perceived understanding and care, customers easily disengage.

That’s why cultivating strong two-way communication is key. Through well-designed feedback loops that facilitate meaningful dialogue, you transform nameless users into known individuals. You shift from assumptions about what people want, to actually listening and learning what your audience needs.

This back-and-forth exchange breeds deeper connection and care. And it ultimately allows you to build better products that drive better results.

So how exactly do you facilitate this valuable communication?

There are four main types of feedback loops to weave into your offering:

Incoming Feedback Loops

These allow you to ask users for direct input on your output. Simple yet powerful, this feedback lets you check in on how your product lands and what your audience needs next.

Polls, questionnaires, and surveys are common ways to solicit this intel. You can pepper them throughout your product experience to gauge user perspectives in real time. Pre- and post-offering surveys also provide helpful before-and-after input.

If live Q&As or coaching calls are part of your product, “trial closes” offer a more informal feedback loop. Simply asking questions like “Are you getting this?” and “Who can relate?” gives users a chance to signal their understanding and needs.

Monitoring goal achievement, module completion rates, and general participation levels also generates useful incoming feedback on user progress. This data allows you to pinpoint problem areas and adapt support accordingly.

Outgoing Feedback Loops

While incoming feedback provides intel to you, outgoing feedback offers your users input from you. This dialogue moves the communication needle by providing meaningful responses tailored to each customer.

Built-in components like personalized progress updates, laser coaching calls, and milestone reviews all facilitate helpful outgoing feedback. But perceived customization takes this to the next level by using automation and personalization tools to make communication feel uniquely tailored.

Welcome messages, goal achievement notices, and gentle “nudges” when users fall behind all make customers feel seen. Public leaderboards spotlighting user accomplishments tap into social validation. Contests and prizes incentivize progress with fun motivation and rewards.

Outgoing feedback requires listening to incoming feedback and using those insights to inform your responses. When users feel this understood and supported, it builds loyalty and dedication.

Viral Feedback Loops

In addition to internal feedback between you and your users, viral loops invite external input. These facilitate user sharing and visibility that closes the loop by incorporating third-party perspectives.

Encouraging social media shares provides lightweight viral feedback. But empowering users to actively showcase progress to outside friends or collaborators generates more meaningful input.

Providing templates and frameworks makes it easier for users to elicit this beneficial outside feedback. Especially when the prompts clearly explain how requesting input will help users make progress toward their goals.

The key is crafting viral loops that benefit both parties. Users get the feedback they need while exposing new people to your offerings. This win-win fuels referrals and community connections.

Social Feedback Loops

Referencing user input in your product content closes the collaborative communication loop. When you feature customer quotes, stories, examples and outcomes, users feel valued. And prospects see real individuals achieving meaningful progress.

This social proof builds trust while bringing user journeys to life. It transforms faceless facts and figures into personal transformation. And it helps future users envision success through relatable stories.

Monitoring user input for powerful patterns and trends allows you to spotlight common questions, obstacles, and turning points. Addressing these dynamics directly makes learners feel supported through bumps on the road to progress.

Cultivating Communication

Listening opens the door to better understanding user obstacles and true needs. Outgoing feedback allows you to tailor guidance and support. Viral loops invite outside perspective. And social feedback celebrates user journeys in an inspirational way.

This interplay creates connection and care between you and your audience. And it ultimately allows you to build better products that deliver better results.

Facilitating robust, two-way communication allows you to close experiential gaps through informed adaptations and enhancements. You create offerings that evolve based on feedback instead of assumptions.

Strengthening these communicative bonds generates immense value for both your business and your users. So why not start closing the loop today?

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