Customizing the Order Form Page

May 25, 2023 Update

So happy to share today's exciting order forms update with you.

  1. We've overhauled the Page Builder order form's sidebar. It's now much more beautiful, and so MUCH easier to see what's going on
  2. You can now add MULTIPLE subscription levels/prices! This is great for offering differing levels of benefits & access to students who pay more!
  3. You can now tag each payment option separately. For example, you can:
    • tag your "full-payers" to give them special bonuses, content or access
    • tag your installment plan folks differently for different treatment
    • tag each subscription level separately to give special VIP treatment to those who pay you more
  4. Discount coupons can now also give a discount on the FIRST payment only! This works great to help you incentivize purchases: "If you invest before EOW you'll get 50% off your first month in the program!"
  5. And finally, we added a new, optional Data Processing Checkbox which allows you to be GDPR compliant!

You can see all of these updates in the short video I just made for you below? Would love to hear how you enjoy these new features!

How to Customize Your Order Form

Open up Step 4 of your Course Builder. In the left hand sidebar, find the list of Core Pages for your Account.

Click on the Order Form page to open it up

If there's nothing that looks like an order form already on the page, then you'll need to add it to the page. From the Available Blocks, choose the "Order Form" block. Click on it and drag it to the right to drop it onto the page.


Hover over the block, and click on the "Edit Content" button

To edit or change elements on the left side of the order form, click Left Column Data, and to edit or change elements on the right side of the order form, click click the Right Column Data.

You can add in your data including header and subheader text, labels, and placeholders here. Make sure to scroll down to see all the options!

Adding Terms and Conditions

In the "Right Column Data" text box of your course's Order Form, choose how you want to share your terms and conditions- whether by a link, or popup:

Copy and paste your Terms & Conditions directly into the popup box

Or, add a link to a page that has your terms.

How to Add Payment Options and Installment Plans to Your Order Form

First, make sure your payment options have been added in Step 2

Edit the Order Form

Open up "Right Column Data"

Click on "Add a New Price to Your Order Form

When you Click on this button, your first payment option that you've set up in Step 2 will appear

Click to add each of your payment options.

You can customize the text and description for each payment option by clicking on the dropdown arrow and editing the text fields.

How to Customize The Order of Your Payment Options

You may choose to have multiple payment options for your students (such as Full Pay, and one or more Installment Plans).

You can customize the order that these payment options appear.

First, make sure your payment options have been added in Step 2

Then, you can customize the order by opening the "Right Column Data" box when editing your Order Form in Page Builder

Scroll down to your payment options

You can drag and drop the payment options into any order you wish

Customize the colors and spacing

Customize the colors of your order form here..

And you can adjust the padding above and below your order form here...

Don't forget to Publish your changes to make them Live!

You can customize the visibility for any block on your page.... here's how

Add Tracking or Conversion Pixels

You can add tracking and conversion pixels and JS code for Facebook and other platforms if you wish. To add your tracking code:

  • Open Tracking & Analytics
  • To add a "Viewed Order Form" (pre-purchase) tracking event, add your code to the Order Form <head> HTML JS field or the Order Form <body> HTML JS field (or both)
  • To add a "Successful Purchase" (conversion) tracking event, add your code to the Conversion HTML <head> JS field or the Conversion HTML <body> JS field (or both)

How to Add a Terms and Conditions Generator to Your Order Form

How to Add an Order Bump

Adding Custom Fields to the Order Form

Coming soon!

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