Your Done-For-You Course

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XP Done For You Details & Deliverables

So, you’d like us to take the work of building your course off your plate so that you can focus on what you’re best at. Smart choice!

Our team of experts will put your course together, and add the gamification elements that can help your course get 10-30X higher engagement rates... so that your students GET the results, refer you more business, and can't wait to purchase your next offer.

How Does It Work?

Since YOU are the expert on your subject matter, obviously you’ll need to be the one to create your brilliant content. (Such as your video trainings, handouts, etc).

We’ll guide you in how to create things in the ways that we know work best, and our team will do all the heavy lifting of putting it all together for you …. and then we’ll hand over your completed course!

Here's What You'll Need to Create and Give to Us

1). Your Course Mission. This is the most important piece! What are your students going to achieve, create, or learn as a result of your course? See here.

2). Course Goals. See here

3). A Course Welcome Video. This is a short video (approx. 2-5 minutes) that gives a personal welcome, reminds students of the "Big Why" behind purchasing your course, and gets them excited to take action.

4). Pre-actions. These are quick, do-able action steps for your student to get started - BEFORE they embark on the actual course content.

5). Your course content...

Note: We generally recommend having 1-5 modules and a total of 5-30 trainings. (This may vary based on your audience and topic)

Recommended video training length- approx. 10-30 minutes each

  • Names and Descriptions of each Module
  • Names and Descriptions of each Training
  • A video for each Training
  • 2-4 “Training Actions” for each training- these are action steps for the student to take and check off, so they can put the learning into practice, as soon as they’ve watched the video. See here for more info.
  • Optional- additional supporting materials for each training (such as handouts, mp3 downloads)
  • Optional - Training “Notes” - additional explanation or text for students to read, to go underneath the training video

6). Release Schedule. How do you want to release these trainings? See here for options and suggestions

7). Optional “Bonus” Content

  • Name and Description of each Bonus
  • Video Training or other Bonus Content

8). Your business’ logo and 2-4 brand colors. (It’s okay if you don’t have a logo).

9). Sales copy for your order form and your course’s listing on your Marketplace. (1-2 short paragraphs that describe your course, and get people excited to buy)

10). An image for your course’s listing on your Marketplace

11). Optional- Each Module, Training, and Training Action will have an image -- if you’d like, you can give us your on-brand images to use.

You can give us specific images for each Module, Training, and Training Action, and label each one with exactly where the image should go — OR, you can just give us a handful of on-brand images and we’ll use them throughout your course.

(If you don’t give us images, we’ll go with the default “cartoon style” images — they look like this)…

12).Your Terms and Conditions (we can either copy and paste these into a pop-up window, or you can give us a page on your website to link to).

13). Optional - Messages for your students. We’ll be creating Celebrations and Automated Emails and Texts (if you choose) for your students to receive as they go through your course….

If you have specific messages that you want to give your students, you can write these messages and give them to us. Or, we’ll create these for you! (Messages will be personalized with each’s student’s name).

14). Optional- you can add a countdown timer to motivate students to complete their course! If you want to use this, let us know how long the expected time frame is, for students to complete the course. (The course does NOT disappear when the timer runs out).

15). Your course’s price (plus info about any payment plans you want to offer).

Here's What We'll Build For You

  • A school marketplace where all available courses are listed for sale
  • A cart and checkout page where students and clients can purchase the course. This includes your payment options and Terms and Conditions.
  • A Student Dashboard/ Home Page with options for a countdown timer, mission, goals, welcome video, and pre-actions.
  • Module and Training pages with videos, training resources, and actions
  • Bonus pages with additional training material, videos, training resources, and actions
  • A "Replays" page (if you're going to need a place to upload replays of live course calls).
  • Points and Sound Effects to reward your students
  • Student “experiences” including on-screen celebrations, emails, and texts to recognize your students' progress
  • All course pages, including the Marketplace and Order Form, will be customized with your brand colors and logo.

Get Started Now!

  • Email to get started!
  • Use the provided Google Drive and submission forms to complete all needed items. Work on your project will not begin until all needed information and files are shared with us.
  • Once your project is submitted, we'll confirm that all needed items have been received, and give you an estimated completion date. Usually this is 10 business days, and depends on the complexity of your course.
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