How to Submit a Feature Request

At XP, one thing we love is hearing your feedback and how we can keep making the platform even better for you!

If you have a feature you'd like to see in XP, here's what to do.

How to submit your request

Send us a message at support, using the green chat widget that you’ll find in the lower right hand corner of your account (or on any page of the help center).

Tell us about the feature you want. Detail is really helpful!

Let us know how you’ll use it and what about it is crucial to making it work for you.

This helps our team during the development process to understand how this feature would need to work- we want to make sure that when the feature is released, it does exactly what you’re hoping it'll do!

What next? Will my request happen? If so, how long will it take?

We’ll message you right back to let you know we’ve received your request, and we’ll ask you for any additional info if necessary.

We hope you'll understand that in most cases, we won’t be able to give you an immediate answer, or a timeframe on building something.

This is because the software development process changes so fast, and our amazing developers are already hard at work implementing new features and working out bugs as they arise, to keep your courses running smoothly and easily.

So, it will often take some time to add a new feature. And because new features are being developed and upgraded so rapidly, and the timeline is constantly shifting... we can't promise you when something will happen.

But, we aim to do as much as we can to take care of our XP fam, and to keep making the platform more amazing for you!

And, we really appreciate all of your feedback… it truly helps!

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