Free Migration of your Existing Course to Xperiencify


If you're like most people, you love the idea behind and the promise of Xperiencify, and you want to increase your student success by 10-30 times, and course profitability by up to 16 times.

But when it comes to actually finding the time to transfer your course over, well, that's another story!

We totally get it.

That's why we've decided to offer a FREE migration of one course to Xperiencify, from whatever platform you're currently using. (Free migration is subject to approval, pls contact us for details).

Just give us the access info for your current platform, and we'll take care of transferring your course into Xperiencify for you!

You can read all the details right here.

The only thing we ask is that you purchase an annual plan from us before we get started doing the work for you. When you commit to staying with us for at least a year, it allows us to have the confidence to invest resources in you and your course in return.

To get the process started, it's simple:

  • First, prepay for your yearly account, and let us know in writing that you're cool to stay with us for at least 12 months.
  • Then, we'll get your credentials to login to your current platform, get some info from you that we need, and our team will do the work of transferring over your course!
  • To get started, email
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