Using 'Add to Course' Action

Using the Experience Engine, you can now automatically grant access to any other of your courses.

Examples for how to use it:

  • Bundle multiple products or courses together in the sales process and automatically release them when the "main" course is puchased
  • Bonus (or surprise) content releases when students reach milesones, hit goals or earn points (eg: "Only those students who *really* take action will get XYZ bonus!")
  • Use it in memberships to release new mini-courses or challenge content on a time-delay OR only after they complete specific trainings OR earn a certain amount of XPs (rather than putting all your content in one massive course)
  • Release a "teaser" version of the next course once students complete the previous one
  • Or automatically give free access to another course at any moment, for any reason you want

The only limit to what you can do is your own imagination!

To use it:

  • Edit any Experience inside of the Experience Engine and click the Add to Course icon
  • Select the course you wish to give access to
  • Choose whether to send the "welcome" sequence or not
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