Pop Up Notifications: New Training Released

When a student has a new training available, they’ll now receive a popup notification letting them know!

This is especially helpful for keeping students engaged and interested in what’s coming next. We don’t want to overwhelm students with all the content at once…. but when it’s dripped in just the right amounts, that little notification is the perfect extra “nudge” to help your student feel inspired and motivated to check out the next training.

The popup will last for 30 seconds, or your student can click on the x to make the popup disappear.

How to Edit the Text for Your Students' Popup Notifications

To edit the message on these popup notifications, head to your Language section in your admin dashboard.

Select the course you want to edit Notifications for, or select "Global Strings" for ALL courses

Use the search function to go to the Popup Notification Text. You can find this by searching for the search term "dropped"

Edit and add your preferred text

NOTE: Be sure to leave in the tokens: {{ training }} so that each training name will be automatically filled in!

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