Open Office Hours & Training Workshops

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Session Themes

Our team will come to each of these sessions with a prepared "Theme" that we will be ready to focus on.

Click here to view our upcoming themes!

But, don't worry! All of our sessions are Ask Me Anything style, so you can come with any type of question about any part of the XP platform

In fact...

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Use the link below to submit a specific question for our team to answer in the next session!

Ask A Question For Office Hours Here!

PRO TIP: you can always visit our Facebook group if you want to post questions to the community for an even more rapid response from a VERY active, engaged and passionate community!

Previous Call Recordings

Pro Tip: Watch the recordings on 1.5X or 2X speed to find what you're looking for faster!

Open Office Hours - Jun 12, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:00:13 - 00:02:23: Questions about quizzes
  • 00:03:58 - 00:04:14: Discussion on webinar strategies for course promotion.
  • 00:07:13: Using webinars as an effective method for creating courses and building an audience.
  • 00:07:52: Reference to a step-by-step guide for using webinars to sell courses.
  • 00:10:29 - 00:16:17: Example of a focused webinar topic leading to a paid course.
  • 00:17:22 - 00:18:55: Emphasis on experiential training and authenticity in webinars to attract clients.
  • 00:19:21 - 00:20:17: Discussion on using specific techniques like conversational hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming in seminar scripts.
  • 00:22:34 - 00:26:35: Course Structure and Interactivity: A participant discusses making a course on predictable fundraising interactive, advised to focus on a single step from a structured process and act as a facilitator.
  • 00:26:47 - 00:30:13: Choosing Between Webinar and Expiring Mini Course: Suggested to use both for different types of learners, offering benefits like real-time interaction and self-paced learning.
  • 00:30:15 - 00:33:37: Combining Approaches and Learner Engagement: Recommended hybrid model combining an expiring mini course with a live session for questions and bonuses, emphasizing slowing down to ensure clarity and engagement.
  • 00:33:44 - 00:40:09: Creating workshop courses using recorded webinars for evergreen content, promoting them through various channels for audience retention.
  • 00:40:30 - 00:45:05: Maintaining enthusiasm, avoiding personal accolades, and gamifying webinars for enhanced engagement.
  • 00:45:10 - 00:50:22: Using ebooks as marketing tools to bridge engagement for webinars, integrating them into broader marketing strategies.
  • 00:50:22 - 00:54:01: Overcoming webinar fears with rehearsal and feedback to enhance confidence and delivery.
  • 00:54:01 - 00:54:47: Delivering engaging content concisely, fostering a positive audience experience.
  • 00:54:47 onwards: Personal insights on rebranding and ADHD influences on content delivery, advocating for more inclusive and engaging presentations.

Open Office Hours - Jun 10, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:02:53 - 00:02:30: Question Follow-up: We follow up on a previous question about bullet point formatting. Discussion about the layout and appearance of bullet points.
  • 00:03:00 - 00:04:27: Tag Management and Categories: Explanation of tag management and categories within the system. Clarification on the difference between tags and tag categories. Examples provided to illustrate the use of tags for actions and categories for organization.
  • 00:04:27 - 00:08:05 Email Editor and Formatting: Discussion about the email editor and formatting capabilities. Mention of a new email editor in development for improved formatting options.
  • 00:17:00 - 00:25:56 Email Link Issues: Participant raises issues with email links not working properly in test emails.Troubleshooting steps taken to resolve the issue, including sending test emails and examining link behavior. Uncertainty regarding whether the issue is specific to test emails or affects actual student emails.
  • 00:28:42 - 00:32:21: Discussion about tracking conversions for workshops and courses using Facebook Pixel and Experience 5.
  • 00:32:21 - 00:39:43: User struggles with finding account settings, troubleshooting, and testing membership management.
  • 00:39:43 - 00:43:28: Addressing concerns about membership management, planning to consult support and developers.
  • 00:44:53 - 00:51:43: Discussion on hiding pages and showing completion pages in Experience 5, exploring custom page creation.
  • 00:24:44 - 00:26:43: Troubleshooting issues with test emails and Magic links, debating effective testing methods.
  • 00:27:25 - 00:33:52: Continued troubleshooting for email link issues across platforms, exploration of automation for tagging.
  • 00:40:29 - 00:58:27: Course transformation discussion, covering course structure, format, instructional design, membership levels, video creation, and email testing issues.

Open Office Hours - Jun 06, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:00:30 - 00:05:11 Theme: Course Management: Discussion on setting up email sequences and delays for course participants. Strategies for maintaining communication with users who haven't completed courses are explored.
  • 00:05:11 - 00:11:24 Theme: CRM Integration:Integration of ExperienceFyi with CRM systems like Ninja Suite or MailChimp is discussed. The conversation includes the use of Zapier for automating communication processes.
  • 00:11:24 - 00:19:32 Theme: Promoting Courses: Strategies for promoting courses, including referral links and webinars, are explored. The discussion also offers insights into earning commissions through course referrals.
  • 00:20:39 - 00:22:16: The participant is encouraged to follow up with Zapier to explore integration possibilities with Groove.
  • 00:22:16 - 00:23:10:Theme: Ask the Expert AI Bot Setup: Discussion transitions to a general query about setting up the Ask the Expert AI bot, with a request for a walkthrough of its setup process. Acknowledgment of the non-urgent nature of the question, with an expression of interest in learning about the setup process for the Ask the Expert AI bot. The participant expresses understanding and agrees to await a future session for a walkthrough of the AI bot setup.
  • 00:24:08 - 00:33:39 Theme: Tagging System Clarification: Further inquiry is made regarding the tagging system, particularly regarding tags with numbers appended to them. Explanation is provided regarding the uniqueness of tags across courses and the significance of appended numbers for course-specific actions and automations.

Open Office Hours - Jun 04, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:01:07 - Concerns about duplicated coursework due to tag issues discussed.
  • 00:06:10 - Discussion on personalized coaching modifications and order form adjustments.
  • 00:07:17 - Structuring course access for different audience segments and managing forum availability based on course progression addressed.
  • 00:12:27 - Coupon implementation and pre-sale module access control explained.
  • 00:16:25 - Limiting module access during pre-sale period and subsequent release scheduling discussed.
  • 00:22:02 - Exploration of options for managing module visibility and course progression.
  • 00:28:55 - 00:31:48 -Tracking Conversions: Discussion about tracking conversions on an order form using Facebook Pixel or metadata, including technical queries and seeking developer assistance.
  • 00:32:21 - 00:41:56 -Membership Page Issues: Addressing difficulties in changing payment plans and account information for members, discrepancies between tutorial instructions and user experience, testing account settings, and the need for clearer guidance.
  • 00:43:27 - 00:52:08 -Setting Up Access Buttons: Request for assistance in setting up buttons to access specific pages after course completion, troubleshooting access control, and exploring solutions like hiding pages until specific conditions are met.
  • 00:54:49 - 00:59:05 - Five Day Challenge Email Sequences: Discussion on initiating email sequences for a five-day challenge template, challenges in triggering sequences based on challenge start rather than user signup, and potential solutions.

Open Office Hours - Jun 03, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:01:07 - Concerns about duplicated coursework due to tag issues discussed.
  • 00:06:10 - Discussion on personalized coaching modifications and order form adjustments.
  • 00:07:17 - Structuring course access for different audience segments and managing forum availability based on course progression addressed.
  • 00:12:27 - Coupon implementation and pre-sale module access control explained.
  • 00:16:25 - Limiting module access during pre-sale period and subsequent release scheduling discussed.
  • 00:22:02 - Exploration of options for managing module visibility and course progression.
  • 00:28:55 - 00:31:48 -Tracking Conversions: Discussion about tracking conversions on an order form using Facebook Pixel or metadata, including technical queries and seeking developer assistance.
  • 00:32:21 - 00:41:56 -Membership Page Issues: Addressing difficulties in changing payment plans and account information for members, discrepancies between tutorial instructions and user experience, testing account settings, and the need for clearer guidance.
  • 00:43:27 - 00:52:08 -Setting Up Access Buttons: Request for assistance in setting up buttons to access specific pages after course completion, troubleshooting access control, and exploring solutions like hiding pages until specific conditions are met.
  • 00:54:49 - 00:59:05 - Five Day Challenge Email Sequences: Discussion on initiating email sequences for a five-day challenge template, challenges in triggering sequences based on challenge start rather than user signup, and potential solutions.

Open Office Hours - May 30, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:01:06 - Clarification sought on tags and celebrations in the experience engine.
  • 00:20:25 - 00:27:12: Introduction to badges, brainstorming on their usage, and discussion on their management, addition, and removal.
  • 00:38:27 - 00:38:58: Reflection on various badge usage options and explanations on automatic badge assignment.
  • 00:39:10 - 00:43:35: Theme: Course Engagement Tools and Strategies: Discussion on utilizing direct messaging systems, creating welcome videos, and integrating AI bots for student interaction.
  • 00:47:26 - 00:51:24: Considerations for accessing student feedback, activity logs, and planning showcase events to enhance student engagement.
  • 00:51:36 - 01:01:28: Theme: Student Progress Monitoring and Engagement Strategies: Insights shared on accessing student progress, creating manual leaderboards, and fostering interaction through badges and other recognition methods.

Open Office Hours - May 29, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:01:00 - Aesthetics on Course Pages: A participant shares screen to demonstrate formatting issues with bullet points on their course page, seeking advice on proper alignment. Discussion ensues about potential solutions and troubleshooting steps.
  • 00:03:47 - Troubleshooting Text Color: Another participant discusses difficulties changing text color on their course page. Guidance is provided on accessing editing options and potential reasons for the issue.
  • 00:06:56 - Course Navigation Queries: A participant seeks advice on guiding customers from the end of a mini-course to a special offer page. The process is explained, emphasizing the importance of tag management and block visibility settings.
  • 00:09:24 - Saving Custom Blocks: Participants discuss the process of saving custom blocks for reuse in course design, with step-by-step guidance provided for effective block management.
  • 00:31:59 - Explanation on how to change fonts using the platform's interface, including finding the font selection options, utilizing Google Fonts, and previewing font choices.
  • 00:36:04 - Removing Countdown Timers: Explanation of how to remove countdown timers from courses to fit different course structures.
  • 00:37:22 - Countdown Timer Settings: Detailed explanation of how to set up and customize countdown timers for live and Evergreen courses.
  • 00:38:26 - Introduction to Canva for creating personalized thumbnails, with step-by-step instructions on customizing images, adding transparency, incorporating logos, and selecting fonts.
  • 00:43:01 - Importance of creating images with recommended sizes for thumbnails and accessing the recommended image sizes through the help center.
  • 00:48:14 - Recap of recommendations including using a consistent color palette, creating personalized thumbnails and icons, limiting font choices, and leveraging available resources like Canva and free icon websites.
  • 00:51:24 - Discussion on whether to create a single style guide for multiple courses under one brand or separate style guides for each course, with the recommendation to use a single style guide if courses are under the same brand.
  • 00:52:38 - Sharing of a website for finding icons (Flat Icon) and a tip on using built-in icons in PowerPoint for graphic work.

Open Office Hours - May 23, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:00:00 - 00:08:00: Introduction and setup of an expiring mini course, including structuring content, creating a call to action, and guiding participants through combining Evergreen and live content within a membership framework.
  • 00:08:00 - 00:29:47: Discussion on strategies for course setup and management, such as tagging for course completion, linking to membership offers, and using celebrations to drive engagement.
  • 00:29:47 - 00:44:53: Explanation of the difference between live and Evergreen courses, transitioning between them, structuring multiple courses, and customizing course features like countdown timers and language settings.
  • 00:44:53 - 00:46:00: Clarification on updating course content and ensuring mobile responsiveness, followed by closing remarks and gratitude from participants.

Open Office Hours - May 21, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:30:00 - 00:30:08 Theme: Course Modification and Student Notification: The presenter assumes the successful addition of a new experience despite prior issues and discusses notifying students about being added to a new course.
  • 00:30:44 - 00:31:38: Theme:Special Incentives and Motivational Strategy: Suggestions for providing special incentives like VIP access or bonuses for course completion are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the importance of motivating students for continued participation.
  • 00:31:08 - 00:33:10:Theme: Admin Actions and Course Cohort: Discussion revolves around removing students from the original course and adding them to the new one, as well as the purpose of moving students between courses for new cohorts. The advantages of transitioning students to a new course are also explored.
  • 00:33:10 - 00:35:14:Theme: Evergreen Course Expansion and Tag Association: The discussion transitions to resetting course dates and timing for new cohorts while maintaining access to the Evergreen course. There's an explanation of associating tags with learner accounts for course access and clarification on tag implementation.
  • 00:38:24 - 00:44:18: Theme: Replay Access Management and Content Duplication: Various aspects of managing replays for different cohorts are discussed, including replay access, duplication, and content administration. The need to segregate replays to protect personal information is emphasized.
  • 00:46:07 - 00:49:57: Theme: Course Setup and Live Event Administration: The presenter summarizes the steps involved in modifying courses for new cohorts and discusses setting up initial and duplicate courses, modifying the Evergreen course, and additional administration required for managing live event replays between courses.

Open Office Hours - May 20, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:00:22 - 00:01:11: Introduction to cohort-based courses, initial questions, and setting up screen sharing.
  • 00:01:21 - 00:19:39: Assistance with course editing issues, including content post-lesson, block deletion, bonus visibility, tag system usage, and saving edited blocks for reuse.
  • 00:22:17 - 00:42:12: Discussion on membership site transfer, retaining subscription payments, pros and cons of migration, payment plan management, and ensuring clear subscription management settings.
  • 00:42:39 - 00:47:12: Inquiry and discussion about VIP membership tiers and adding multiple subscription levels.
  • 00:50:14 - 00:55:17: Discussing migration to templates, premade celebration blocks, saving automations, and membership site subscriptions.
  • 00:55:57 - 01:00:18: Discussion on automated content release options, manual setup recommendations, and release strategy.

Open Office Hours - May 16, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:00:59 - Experience Engine Topic: Introduction to the main topic of discussing the experience engine.
  • 00:01:23 - Question on Order Forms and Invoicing: A participant asks about creating an order form for a workshop that can handle multiple students under one invoice.
  • 00:02:03 - Discussion on Selling to Companies: Exploration of options for setting up courses for companies that want to enroll multiple students.
  • 00:04:06 - Providing Workbooks and Workshop Attendance: Explanation of how the participant provides workbooks and schedules workshops.
  • 00:05:23 - Process After Payment: Discussion on what happens after the payment is made, including sending instructions and setting up logins.
  • 00:06:12 - Combining Live and Online Elements: How to manage a mix of live and online course components.
  • 00:07:55 - Payment Gateway and Enrollment Automation: Discussion on automating the enrollment process and handling bulk registrations.
  • 00:09:43 - Using Discount Coupons for Enrollment: Proposal to use discount coupons for individual enrollments in a second course containing course materials.
  • 00:10:32 - Monitoring Coupon Usage: Consideration of how to monitor and limit coupon usage to prevent abuse.
  • 00:12:29 - Managing Bulk Enrollments: Challenges and potential solutions for managing bulk enrollments and minimizing administrative overhead.
  • 00:14:07 - Future Feature Requests: Discussion on potential feature requests for the platform to better handle bulk enrollments and coupon limitations.
  • 00:29:56 - Pre-Selling Your Course: Discussion on how to market a course before its official launch date, including creating excitement and building momentum.
  • 00:30:00 - Setting Up Course Enrollment and Marketing Campaigns: Description of an approach to opening enrollment two weeks prior to the course start date and marketing strategies.
  • 00:03:40 - Navigating the Xperiencify Platform: A walkthrough of the Xperiencify platform, demonstrating account setup and the importance of publishing the course for visibility.
  • 00:30:00 - Concerns About Course Completion: Participants discuss ensuring students complete all course elements, such as bonuses, for certification.
  • 00:33:40 - Clarification on XP and Double XP: Discussion about whether double XP counts towards course completion, with clarification that only single XP counts.
  • 00:40:36 - Experiencing Engine: Overview of the Experience Engine, including its functions, such as sending emails, suspending students, and creating celebrations or nudges based on student actions.
  • 00:46:07 - Impact of Automation Changes: Explanation that changes in automation will not affect students already in the course, only new students.
  • 00:49:17 - Setting Up Email: Instructions on how to set up custom email addresses and domains within the Xperiencify platform.
  • 00:51:43 - Benefits of Custom Domains: Discussion on the branding benefits of linking a custom domain to the Xperiencify platform, enhancing brand consistency and customer experience.

Open Office Hours - May 15, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • 00:00:33 - Pre-Selling Your Course: Discussion on how to market a course before its official launch date, including creating excitement and building momentum.
  • 00:01:32 - Setting Up Course Enrollment and Marketing Campaigns: Description of an approach to opening enrollment two weeks prior to the course start date and marketing strategies.
  • 00:03:40 - Navigating the Xperiencify Platform: A walkthrough of the Xperiencify platform, demonstrating account setup and the importance of publishing the course for visibility.
  • 00:05:01 - Customizing Course Pages for Pre-Sales: How to customize order and home pages using templates to attract and engage potential students during the pre-sale period.
  • 00:08:05 - Scheduling Course Content Release Dates: Answering a question about how far ahead courses can be pre-sold and demonstrating how to set specific release dates for course content.
  • 00:12:05 - Using Tags for Content Release: Explanation on how to use tags for releasing course content based on student progress rather than specific dates.
  • 00:13:26 - Setting Up Evergreen Courses: Discussion on how to set up courses that remain available continuously, with content released on a rolling basis.
  • 00:18:40 - Incorporating Live Workshops and Mixed Content Delivery: Description of combining live Zoom sessions with self-study modules and ensuring students have the same experience regardless of when they join.
  • 00:36:38 - Hiding Order Forms Post-Enrollment: How to make order forms invisible once the course starts to prevent late enrollments, while providing links to waiting lists and other offers.
  • 00:42:00 - Email Scheduling for Pre-Sale and Evergreen Courses: Instructions on managing email schedules for courses, particularly during pre-sale periods and transitioning to Evergreen setups.

Open Office Hours - May 13, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • Technical Issues: Problems with the banner not appearing across modules and difficulties downloading PDFs.
  • File Management: Issues with deleting and re-uploading files, and organizing media content for easier access.
  • Course Customization: Questions on how to add consistent banners across all course pages and customize course pages.
  • DNS and Custom Domain: Steps to add DNS records and set up a custom domain without affecting existing domains.
  • Testing Courses: Methods for testing courses from a student's perspective, including creating a test account and previewing courses.
  • Publishing and Access: Clarification on publishing courses, managing student access, and understanding the impact of unpublishing courses.
  • Troubleshooting: Addressing recent technical issues with the platform and ensuring users that problems are being resolved.
  • User Guidance: Recommendations on creating folders for media, filtering documents by type, and organizing course content.
  • Sales and Pre-sales: Discussion on setting up sales pages, pre-selling courses, and strategies for promoting courses.

Open Office Hours - May 9, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • Creating a personalized coaching portal for individual clients.
  • Uploading unique files and activities tailored to each client.
  • Managing files and client activities within a single course structure using tags.
  • Setting up a custom domain without interfering with existing domain functionalities.
  • Adding DNS records for custom domain setup.
  • Implementing privacy measures, including requiring clients to sign up with credentials.
  • Structuring the course with modules and training days.
  • Uploading content and setting up action items within the course.
  • Setting up a test student to preview the course from a client’s perspective.
  • Addressing issues with adding a CNAME record and contacting support for assistance.
  • Completing course content setup before finalizing domain settings.

Open Office Hours - May 7, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • Platform Functionality and Technical Support: Addressed issues with refreshing the homepage, ensuring proper functionality of the EMC generator, and troubleshooting automated voice issues and slide display problems.
  • Student Testing and Feedback: Emphasized the importance of having trusted individuals test the course on different browsers to identify potential issues related to browser "crumbs."
  • Customization and Upload Issues: Discussed problems with uploading slides and voiceovers to the platform, potential missed steps, and how to avoid losing work.
  • Support Channels: Encouraged reaching out to the support team for technical issues and clarified the role of the support team versus the founder in resolving problems.
  • Language and Course Customization: Explained how to customize the platform for courses in different languages, including translating system strings and course-specific strings.
  • Course Viability and Market Research: Suggested creating a landing page and using social media or webinars to gauge interest in new course ideas, like the "legacy creators" course.
  • Course Creation and Testing: Recommended using tools and strategies to develop and test courses, including creating templates for easier course management and testing logic for releasing new modules.
  • Real-time Notifications: Discussed using the app and SMS notifications for real-time updates and reminders for students.
  • Managing Multiple Courses: Addressed how to handle running multiple instances of the same course and the impact on the active student limit.
  • Batch Communication: Explained how to use tags to send batch emails or SMS notifications to specific groups of students.
  • Character Limits in SMS: Highlighted the importance of keeping SMS messages within character limits to avoid additional charges and suggested avoiding emojis to conserve characters.
  • Resource Availability: Confirmed that recordings of the sessions would be available for future reference and shared where to find them.

Open Office Hours - May 6, 2024

In this edition of Office Hours, we covered:

  • Technical Troubleshooting: Issues with certificates, tags, and badges not displaying correctly; tested features using different student accounts.
  • Experience Engine and Tags: Explained how to use the Experience Engine, set up tags, create student paths, and troubleshoot tag issues across multiple courses.
  • Customization of Celebrations: Discussed customizing celebration animations and sounds to fit different course themes and audiences.
  • Affiliate Program: Explained the affiliate program, how to refer others, benefits, and different types of affiliate links for generating passive income.
  • Course Development and Testing: Best practices for developing courses, using test students, incognito browsers, and clearing cookies to ensure course functionality.
  • Office Hours Structure: Explained the structure of office hours, themes for each session, and prioritization of questions for support.
  • Quick Start Course: Provided information on the Quick Start Course to help new users get started with the platform.
  • User Feedback: Emphasized the importance of getting feedback from trusted individuals or paid testers to ensure the course works smoothly and improve it before public release.

Open Office Hours - Thursday March 21st, 2024

Open Office Hours - Thursday March 7th, 2024

Open Office Hours - Thursday February 15th, 2024

Open Office Hours - Thursday February 1st, 2024

Open Office Hours - Thursday January 18th, 2024

60 Minutes to Sales - Saturday January 13th, 2023

Get your copy of the Workshop template here.

Open Office Hours - Thursday January 4th, 2024

Open Office Hours - Thursday December 21st, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday December 7th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday November 16th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday November 2nd, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday October 26th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday October 12th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday September 28th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday September 7th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday August 24th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday August 10th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday July 27th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday July 13th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday June 29th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday June 15th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday June 1st, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday May 18th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday May 4th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday April 27th, 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday April 20th 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday April 13th 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday April 6th 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday March 30th 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday March 23rd 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday March 16th 2023

Open Office Hours - Thursday March 9th 2023

Open Office Hours - Wednesday March 1st 2023

Xperiencify 101: Course Setup Basics - Wednesday February 8th 2023

Make a copy of the Handout here

Open Office Hours - Wednesday February 1st 2023

Timestamps for Feb 1st 2023:

  • 0:01:53 Celebrations troubleshooting
  • 0:08:20 Strategy for parent and child companion courses
  • 0:19:40 Upsells on Order Form
  • 0:28:03 Discount Coupon for Course 2 as reward for completing Course 1
  • 0:31:00 Obtaining a review/feedback from students
  • 0:35:53 Webinar replay as mini-course, stopping button-clicking addicts
  • 0:51:50 Auto-delete students at end of course
  • 0:56:59 Add a worksheet to a training
  • 0:59:20 Using a third-party payment processor

    Xperiencify 101: Course Setup Basics - Wednesday January 25th 2023

    Make a copy of the Handout here

    Timestamps for Jan 25th 2023:

    • 0:02:08 Introduction
    • 0:05:40 Step 1
    • 0:09:40 Step 2
    • 0:15:10 Step 3
    • 0:36:55 Step 4
    • 1:05:30 Step 5
    • 1:15:02 Dynamic Release of Modules (Binge Mode)
    • 1:16:20 How to disable a course for a student (Use it or Lose it)
    • 1:19:10 Adding replays of live content from your MVP course
    • 1:25:10 Remove Student vs Suspend Student
    • 1:26:50 iframe form troubleshooting
    • 1:29:20 Creating Affiliate Links
    • 1:31:23 Searching within your course
    • 1:33:55 Options for structuring a short course
    • 1:36:18 Setting a test/quiz
    • 1:40:01 Evergreen drip release schedule
    • 1:42:23 Link to Xperiencify fb group and training handout
    • 1:44:07 Choose your own adventure content path
    • 1:46:20 3rd party payment processor troubleshooting
    • 1:49:00 Custom domain troubleshooting

      Open Office Hours - Wed Jan 18th, 2023

      Xperiencify 101: Course Setup Basics - Wed Jan 11th, 2023

      Make a copy of the Handout here

      Timestamps for Jan 11th 2023:

      • 0:01:50 How to access the Experience Product Masterclass bonus
      • 0:03:15 Course Setup Basics training
      • 1:19:00 Q&A
      • 1:20:12 Posting replays of live calls
      • 1:21:08 Support from Xperiencify for your team members
      • 1:23:38 Using images other than cartoons
      • 1:25:08 Increasing font size
      • 1:25:46 Login access for team members
      • 1:27:02 Volume of sound effects
      • 1:28:35 Running a challenge with countdown
      • 1:29:48 Email triggers
      • 1:34:30 The Order Form
      • 1:36:24 Using social proof pop-ups
      • 1:38:46 Hiding old replays from new students
      • 1:40:18 Setting up a Sales Page
      • 1:42:45 Using a custom domain for your course URL
      • 1:43:35 Adding calendar links/embedding iframes in your course

        Open Office Hours - Wed Dec 14th, 2022

        Timestamps for Dec 14, 2022:

        • 00:00:40 Website vs course site vs blog page
        • 00:17:10 Goals, pre-actions and getting testimonials
        • 00:25:40 Transaction fees
        • 00:38:35 Same course, different languages
        • 00:42:04 Black Friday bundle
        • 00:44:50 Using a custom domain
        • 00:45:23 Marketing help
        • 00:50:55 Forum, discussion threads for trainings
        • 00:59:40 Launch plan vs Growth plan
        • 01:07:00 Can we use GIFs for module images
        • 01:08:35 Which plan am I on?
        • 01:11:11 Sequential and non-sequential content within same course
        • 01:16:40 Testing your course setup as a student
        • 01:20:20 Style and formatting of XP pages
        • 01:36:55 Free trial
        • 01:40:00 Blogging and email marketing
        • 01:43:28 Communication with students
        • 01:46:00 Done-For-You setup forms
        • 01:47:40 Done-For-You deadline
        • 01:53:10 Email limits, renaming XPs, mp3 embedding
        • 01:58:00 Transcription

          XP101: Course Setup Basics - Dec 7th, 2022

          Make a copy of the Handout here

          Open Office Hours - Wed Nov 30th, 2022

          Timestamps for Nov 30, 2022:

          • 0:01:20 Using tags and buttons to re-set a 30 day sequence
          • 0:06:15 EPM question
          • 0:08:21 Duplicating settings for actions
          • 0:12:00 Using training templates for course-build in Done-For-You bonus
          • 0:13:00 Using XP for email vs third-party email provider
          • 0:19:25 Transferring data from XP to a Customer Relationship Manager
          • 0:23:10 Coupon Code limits
          • 0:24:49 Affiliate links
          • 0:27:00 Using a button to link to a google form
          • 0:34:00 Putting the Forum on a dedicated page
          • 0:40:30 Linking your XP course on your website
          • 0:44:05 What is a "space" in the forum?
          • 0:45:10 Staying within 10 course limit of lifetime plan
          • 0:49:30 Forum cohorts
          • 0:54:50 Buttons activating celebrations
          • 0:58:00 Adding Team members to XP account
          • 1:03:00 Done-For-You services
          • 1:05:45 Named Instructors
          • 1:08:15 Adding tokens to emails and sending emails to third-parties
          • 1:10:20 Inbox management with team members
          • 1:11:50 Redeeming XPs internally
          • 1:13:10 Terms & Conditions
          • 1:14:38 Where to find a basic rundown on using XP
          • 1:17:15 Replacing a fb group with XP community features

            Xperiencify 202: Advanced Gamification - Wed Nov 23rd, 2022

            Make a copy of the Handout here

            Open Office Hours - Wed Nov 16th 2022

            Timestamps for Nov 16, 2022:

            • 0:01:30 difference between school name and course name
            • 0:06:40 ready to add your content to XP
            • 0:15:30 community features can we replace fb group
            • 0:25:15 what is advanced gamification?
            • 0:26:08 making an intermediate ongoing membership on XP for graduates of basic level first course
            • 0:30:30 affiliate pay outs
            • 0:34:20 API for integration with discord
            • 0:35:29 warm welcome sequence pop ups
            • 0:39:40 glitch with order form on mobile
            • 0:42:00 customising the student welcome email
            • 0:45:20 payment gateway commissions
            • 0:46:55 custom domain vs subdomain
            • 0:51:10 EPM bonus course build
            • 0:54:30 whitelisting emails for your students
            • 0:56:20 done-for-you bonus turnaround time
            • 0:57:50 challenge to paid course funnel
            • 1:08:20 video file formats
            • 1:13:00 handbrake video compression
            • 1:20:50 adding resource downloads
            • 1:22:00 viewing order form when using trial XP account

              Your MVP Course: Design & Launch in 1 Week - Wed Nov 9th

              Make a copy of the Handout here

              Open Office Hours - Wed Nov 2nd 2022

              • 00:47 Sending emails from Xperiencify
              • 13:30 Whitelisting sender address
              • 15:17 Adding student to another course automatically
              • 21:25 Creating a video tour of course for your students
              • 23:40 Return Student to last place they left off
              • 25:45 Duplicating a course for additional cohorts
              • 30:25 Embedding or linking forms in the course
              • 32:00 Size of images in Course Sales Page
              • 35:45 Creating a community for your course
              • 40:50 Leaderboards
              • 43:37 API for storefront
              • 45:10 Joining XP fb group
              • 50:00 Warm welcome pop-ups
              • 57:30 Customizing payment plans
              • 1:00:10 Attaching files for homework submission

              Xperiencify 101: Course Setup Basics - October 26th, 2022

              Make a copy of the handout here

              Open Office Hours - October 19th, 2022

              • 00:20 Easter egg bonus lessons and tagging
              • 06:25 Pre-actions
              • 13:55 Using PayPal where Stripe is not supported
              • 22:25 Customizing Celebrations
              • 24:10 Quiz to free trial of course to paid course funnel
              • 29:30 Offering advanced trainings in separate space to regular trainings
              • 32:05 Interactive features for sensitive topics
              • 41:40 Using a CRM for other email marketing
              • 51:00 Done-for-You Services with XP
              • 56:46 Using Community to have students share homework

              Xperiencify 202: Advanced Gamification - October 12th, 2022

              Make a copy of the handout here

              Feedback Form for these sessions

              Open Office Hours - October 5th, 2022

              • 00:00 Using Descript for video editing
              • 02:35 Xperiencify training session times
              • 05:30 Previewing trainings set up to release on a schedule
              • 15:15 How to submit assets to XP team for course build as part of EPM Bonus
              • 21:30 Exporting student details and tagging
              • 30:30 What are the Community features
              • 34:27 Using a different language in Xperiencify
              • 37:40 Sound effects
              • 40:09 How to add the Comments block to a page template
              • 45:30 How to use tags to release/hide bonus content
              • 48:10 Media storage limits and using Handbrake to compress videos

              Reverse Course MVP - September 27th, 2022

              Download the Training Handout here

              Open Office Hours - September 21st, 2022

              • 02:20 Using XP as a membership site
              • 13:15 Marketplace page
              • 21:35 Adding code snippets to school site globally v to individual courses
              • 30:50 Replacing a fb community within Xperiencify itself
              • 38:00 Adding dummy students to course
              • 39:50 Changing details for Replays
              • 46:50 Replays page
              • 47:35 Using tags to make additional courses visible to certain students
              • 53:35 Automating tags
              • 54:40 Use it or lose it/self-destructing content
              • 58:42 Adding terms & conditions to order form or providing a release form to students
              • 1:00:00 How to get support
              • 1:05:40 Changing button color in comments block
              • 1:09:07 Issuing Completion Certificates to students
              • 1:11:30 Connecting Stripe account to XP

              Xperiencify 101: Course Setup Basics - September 14th, 2022

              Download the Training Handout here

              Open Office Hours September 7th, 2022

              • 04:15 How a coach course creator can keep their community within the XP platform
              • 12:15 Using community features for teen/tween students
              • 19:24 How does the XP Community features compare to facebook’s?
              • 21:20 How to add a comments block to your course
              • 24:16 Difference between Commenting and Discussion Board
              • 28:20 Offering a suite/package of courses
              • 29:45 Using tags to hide content
              • 33:50 How to preview exactly what your student sees
              • 40:32 How to find tech support
              • 44:15 Pop-up student welcomes
              • 49:08 Do we need an external email provider for marketing?
              • 53:20 Best browser to use for XP
              • 54:15 Bulk uploading documents for your course
              • 56:30 Duplicating a course for different cohorts of students
              • 58:55 Can we use html5, SCORM, xAPI Tin Can content?
              • 1:03:38 Setting your own course image and favicon
              • 1:05:55 The XP facebook group
              • 1:06:48 XP app release
              • 1:07:45 Adding your content to a recommended course structure
              • 1:10:53 Weekly trainings in XP in addition to Open Office Hours
              • 1:11:31 Done-for-you bonus from the Experience Product Masterclass
              • 1:12:20 Using a custom domain for your XP course
              • 1:15:30 Instructions to set up your course
              • 1:17:44 Running a free challenge on XP
              • 1:19:10 Incorporating custom creations like interactive infographics within your course
              • 1:21:38 Using fillable PDFs
              • 1:23:20 Uploading zoom recordings for your trainings
              • 1:25:05 Live coaching sessions

              Open Office Hours August 23rd, 2022

              • 00:40 Incorporating private coaching in the platform
              • 06:00 Celebrations that are more subdued
              • 08:00 Customizing badges
              • 08:30 Which platform to use to record your course videos
              • 09:42 Tagging possibilities
              • 11:50 Current gamification features in XP
              • 15:20 How tags work
              • 16:55 Structuring a large course
              • 26:20 Core vs advanced track
              • 28:50 How to get tech questions answered
              • 29:37 Accessing the EPM done-for-you bonus to get your course loaded
              • 31:20 Using Powerpoint to create your trainings
              • 32:20 Setting the release dates when you duplicate a course
              • 37:00 Preventing tech-bog
              • 37:20 Celebrating a coach's course launch
              • 38:38 VA support packages
              • 40:30 unlimited free trial
              • 42:00 Announcement
              • 44:20 The Xperiencify fb group

              Open Office Hours Feb 27rd, 2021

              Join Xperiencify's head coach Laura Willson as she walks you through how to quickly get your course up and running!

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